Smart office management

Gain insights & analytics

The Zens Desk Management System is an occupancy reporting tool that provides real-time, highly accurate insights on how your office space is being used throughout the day, day after day. Learn what types of desks, workspaces, zones or rooms are most favored and which aren’t. Learn, anticipate, optimize. By repeat.

Anticipate on the data and optimize your workplace lay-out by adding types of workspaces that are in high demand or reduce the ones that are used less often. Realize substantial cost savings in rent, facility costs (such as cleaning), energy, etc. and reduce your carbon footprint. 

Unlimited integration

Transform your desks into relevant data, simply by integrating a Zens Smart PuK in each workspace.

The Zens Desk Management System can be used as a stand alone platform, or can be integrated in other smart building platforms.

Charging effortlessly

With the Smart PuK Visual built in in every workspace, your co-workers can easily charge their phone or earpods wirelessly. Keep your phone or ear pods fully charged during the day by simply placing it on the Smart PuK. It’s that simple.

With an average use of 75%, the Zens wireless charging as part of the Zens Desk Management System is a relevant and proven functionality at the workplace.

No more messy wires or annoying cables. Just intuitive, user-friendly, super convenient technology.

Do you want to have a smart office?

Please get in touch and we will discuss the best wireless charging solutions for your office