Eindhoven – August 14, 2014 –We are expecting some great new developments in the coming weeks. During the largest electronic show in beautiful Berlin, Germany there will be several companies showing some new wearables and smartphones.
ZENS Wireless Charging solutions for Deloitte & Moto 360

Wireless charging for Moto 360
In Japan, Qi Wireless Charging is already a common technology and enjoyed by millions of users. Sony will launch their new SmartWatch and we are sure it will support Qi wireless charging! A great development with SmartWatches being waterproof and still be able to charge with the ZENS Qi Wireless Chargers.
We’re all looking forward to September 4th! Motorola will show the world the new Moto360. We’ve already seen some images on the net showing the Moto360 in full action, charging wirelessly!
ZENS Qi solutions for Samsung
Samsung is also moving forward and they will announce the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4. As battery consumption on such a large device is always a concern, for the user we are expecting Qi support as well. With a stunning 6″ display it will stream video via 4G ‘on the go.’ With a wireless charging product from ZENS you will have no issues with an empty battery whatsoever.
Deloitte Qi charging fully integrated
For those who really want to have the convenience of wireless charging integrated, watch the Deloitte new HQ in Amsterdam, charging fully integrated!
Last but not least, you can expect some new products and solutions from ZENS Wireless Charging very soon as well. In case you have any questions or recommendations please shoot us an mail at info@zens.tech and we will gladly assist you!